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Market view

Average price120,917 €
Price per m2 482 €
Number of properties

Cheapest areas

Campo de Borja 68,000 €
Comunidad de Calatayud 77,664 €
Campo de Cariñena 85,167 €
Bajo Aragón-Caspe 94,919 €
Tarazona y el Moncayo 136,500 €
Ribera Alta del Ebro 145,000 €
Zaragoza 172,716 €
Valdejalón 189,200 €

Summary of the statistics of Zaragoza province

The average price by square metre for Zaragoza province is 482 €, an increase of -4.43% compared to 13/01/2025.
The average price for properties in Zaragoza province to 06/02/2025 was 120,917 € based on 134 properties.
The areas with the lowest prices in Zaragoza province are Campo de Borja and Comunidad de Calatayud, with an average price of 68,000 € and 77,664 €, respectively.

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