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Flats and Houses prices for sale in Pedreguer

Alicante / Marina Alta

February 17, 2025

Market view

Average price517,114 €
Price per m2 1,880 €
Number of properties

Cheapest areas

Castell de Castells 108,200 €
La Vall d'Alcalà 125,000 €
Vall de Ebo 133,333 €
Benimeli 136,500 €
Benigembla 162,375 €
Sagra 202,608 €
La Vall de Laguar 229,929 €
Murla 242,056 €

Summary of the statistics of Pedreguer

The average price by square metre for Pedreguer is 1,880 €, an increase of 5.29% compared to 27/01/2025.
The average price for properties in Pedreguer to 17/02/2025 was 517,114 € based on 219 properties.
The areas with the lowest prices in Pedreguer are Castell de Castells and La Vall d'Alcalà, with an average price of 108,200 € and 125,000 €, respectively.

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