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Flats and Houses prices for sale in Costa Tropical

February 16, 2025

Market view

Average price646,916 €
Price per m2 2,981 €
Number of properties

Cheapest areas

Polopos 63,500 €
Albuñol 88,643 €
Rubite 134,000 €
Gualchos 181,254 €
Sorvilán 198,000 €
Motril 507,727 €
Salobreña 539,559 €
Almuñécar 706,285 €

Summary of the statistics of Costa Tropical

The average price by square metre for Costa Tropical is 2,981 €, an increase of 186.71% compared to 20/01/2025.
The average price for properties in Costa Tropical to 16/02/2025 was 646,916 € based on 547 properties.
The areas with the lowest prices in Costa Tropical are Polopos and Albuñol, with an average price of 63,500 € and 88,643 €, respectively.

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